Liquor Liability Insurance and Host Liquor Liability Coverage
WedSafe provides liability insurance that can include liquor liability coverage (also known as host liquor liability) in order to help protect you against alcohol-related accidents caused by a vendor or guest during the rehearsal dinner, wedding ceremony and/or wedding reception.

Host Liquor liability insurance provides liability protection against bodily injury or property damage suits brought by parties injured as a result of an intoxicated guest who was served alcohol at an event you hosted.
Most weddings do serve alcohol, and many serve wine, beer and/or liquor at the event for no extra charge. In these cases, liability could arise in the event of an accident or injury associated with the serving of alcohol.
If your wedding reception venue requires liability insurance, and alcohol is available at the wedding, they will likely require that liquor liability (host liquor liability) coverage be included.
WedSafe offers a fast, easy and reasonably priced wedding liability policy that can include liquor liability coverage. Simply indicate whether alcohol will be available at your wedding, and the rate quote will include liquor liability coverage.
Wedding reception venues may also ask to be added as named insured on your liability policy. WedSafe can accommodate this as well, simply indicate this during the brief application process.
If you have any questions on liquor liability insurance, or host liquor liability coverage, please do not hesitate to contact us!