​  ​​ 6 Important Do’s & Don’ts for Managing your Wedding Vendor Instagram Page

6 Important Do’s & Don’ts when Managing your Wedding Vendor Instagram Page

When managing the social media accounts of your wedding business, it's easy to make mistakes or take the wrong approach at times. Below are some major DO's and DON'Ts for wedding vendors, venues and wedding planners that will help you navigate Instagram while you grow your following and develop conversation that will help grow your business.

  1. DON'T sell your stuff.  As wedding business owners, we use sales language to capture our audience.  However, Instagram only works if you avoid sales language and instead, create posts that are relatable and conversational about your area of expertise (i.e. cakes, flowers, dresses, décor, etc.).  Let your audience get to know you and like you first – then sell to them later on.

  2. DON'T buy followers.  These days, there are tons of websites and apps available to help "boost" your follower count. While having a larger following does help authenticate your brand, you truly want that growth to be organic rather than purchased. Slowly growing your page organically will ensure you have engaged followers that want to interact with you.

  3. DON'T lose patience.  Remember that social media is about people and relationships. It is not about the number of followers that you have. Once you lose sight of that and get caught up in the numbers, you will start to miss out on the powerful connections that can help grow your wedding business.  When you 'show off' your wedding business on social media, you are investing in building relationships.  Large numbers don't mean success, but active relationships do.

  4. DO remain professional. It sounds obvious but I constantly see social media posts from businesses that have typos. All sentences should be clear and correct. The simple act of proofreading your communications will help to build trust with prospective brides and grooms. Responding quickly to messages and thanking others for their acknowledgements also falls under being professional. Treat your social network with as much respect as you would your customers.

  5. Do save time.  Spend only 10 minutes a day on Instagram by automating your posts.  I use Tailwind to schedule almost all of my Instagram posts ahead of time.  This service is invaluable to me because it frees up my time during the day and helps me to focus on what's most important - my customers. 

  6. DO utilize the free tools.  Instagram offers free insight tools to track your pages performance and analytics. If you notice a type of post does much better than others, try to implement more like it in your content strategy. If you see there's a certain time or day of the week your page gets more attention, try to post within those windows for optimal exposure.

These simple best practices for wedding vendors, venues and planners, when done consistently, can help grow your Instagram following, build your reputation and become a trusted source for your future customers.


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